How to Use the Final Page of Your Book for Marketing

The final page of your book offers a great opportunity for a bit of marketing or self-promotion. This page can come after the about the author page, and faces the inside back cover. It can be a great place to ask for reviews, share links or hashtags, encourage readers to place another order (of a journal or similar product) or buy another book from the same author or publisher.

Below I have some simple text-based template samples to help you make the most of this prime piece of real estate. Copy and paste a sample from below and tweak it to suit your needs, replacing the text in brackets with your own details! I will update this page as I come across new ideas for how to use the final page of your book to further establish your brand or name.

Photo by Stas Knop via Pexels

Photo by Stas Knop via Pexels

Sample 1

Thank you for reading
[your book title here]!

Please share your impressions on social media using the hashtag,
[your hashtag here].

Please visit [your web address here]
which features [list the cool stuff on your website here].

Sample 2

Thank you for reading [your book title here]!

Please share your feedback on social media using our hashtags and handles:
[your hashtags and handles here].

For a downloadable [cool freebie here] and additional resources,
or to book [your name here] to speak at your event
please visit: [your web address here]

If you enjoyed this book, please consider writing a review with your honest impressions on Amazon, Goodreads, or the platform of your choosing. Your feedback is incredibly valuable for helping independent authors like us to reach a wider audience.

[Your logo here]

Sample 3 (Journal)

[Your logo here]
Order your next journal at [your website here]

Sample 4 (Other Books or Resources)

Check out [author’s name here / publishing house name here] ’s other books / resources!

[Book title]
[Cover image]
[Book summary and ISBN]

[Book title]
[Cover image]
[Book summary and ISBN]

[Your website or other contact information here]

Sample 5 (About your Company or Non-Profit)

[Company or Non-Profit logo here]

[Mission Statement here]

[Summary of your offerings, resources or products here]

For more resources and events, go to:

[Your website here]